Unconventional tree hunt

With graduate school, thanksgiving festivities and sporting events, Tom and I didn’t have the time this year to go out into the woods for our annual Christmas tree hunt. Instead, on our way home from the Husky basketball game, we stopped by the tree lot on Sand Point Way to pick out a tree.
I’m usually very against buying a tree from a lot, but this year, it was just so much easier with all that we have going on, that I conceded. The owner of the lot had trees that looked very much like the ones we cut down in the woods—with big gaps between the branches, etc and also the more traditional “farm trees” that were aesthetically perfect.Well, we decided that since we were buying a tree this year, we would break the mold and get a “perfect” tree. We picked out a gorgeous 5-footer and had the owner cut off our “boom” that we hand as ornaments on our tree.
We've got quite a line up of "booms" already--can you believe this will be the 7th Christmas that Tom and I have been a couple?
It was the fastest tree hunt of all time. I would say that it took us a grand total of 20 minutes to buy the tree, transport it home and have it set up in the tree stand in our living room!

The rest of the decorations were already up, so we had a pleasant evening of decorating the tree.
But, before we could do that, we had to complete tradition and snack on oranges, skittles and hot cocoa.

We realized that we had no skittles though, and we had to “take a hike” to go get some. Tom and I left our coats at home so we could get nice and cold (to simulate a real tree hunt) and we “hiked” to 7-11. We bought ourselves some “share-sized” skittles and headed for home.
Just to compare, this was the view at the “top” of our “hike” this year….
As compared to last year:
Kind of a sad difference, I guess we really are living in the city now huh?

Anyhow, the tree is gorgeous and it finally feels like Christmas time in our home.
Merry Christmas everyone!
(mom and dad, the red bow is for you!)
