Pumpkin Push

We woke this morning to a downpour of rain but a determined mindset to head down to Seward Park in Seattle for the Pumpkin Push 5K race to benefit NeighborCare homeless clinics in Seattle. My friend Josephine from med school worked at these clinics and let me know about it and as soon as I heard about it, I had to be a part of it!

It's hard to compare it to the Black Cat fun run that we did last year with the whole family because it wasn't at night complete with glow sticks, but there were still costumes and some great swag at the end of the race! Tom and I went easy on ourselves when it came to costumes and donned our husky pride.
A little mascara (since Tom no longer owns any eye black from his baseball days) and we were ready to go. 
The pouring rain kept us from bringing our phones (and therefore our cameras) with us on the race route, but you can imagine a large group of folks in costumes running around in the pouring rain :)
At the end we claimed our complimentary pumpkins and our race day t-shirts and headed back home to the dry and warm apartment. 
Looks like we'll have to squeeze in some time for carving pumpkins sometime soon! I've got exams on Monday so it might have to be a brief carving session. The school has decided to have exams for  ALL of my classes on the same day three different times throughout the quarter so we just knock them all out on the same day...so that makes for long study weekends. Plus, we've got the Husky Football home game tonight so I'm not sure when we're going to be carving, but even if we just get to see these on our back porch, I'll be happy. 
Happy Halloween everyone!

Oh, and here's some photos from our night out on the town for Wicked last week! We enjoyed a nice dinner at Chloe-- a French restaurant on Sand Point Way, right by our house-- then headed downtown for one of the best shows I've ever seen! If you're in the Seattle area (or even if you're not, I suggest you scrounge up some money and buy some tickets!).

Oh, and lastly, I thought I'd throw in a photo of my volleyball playing fun. They are all second year students that were nice enough to let a first year student like me tag along. Since I don't have to take histology class (since I took it this summer) my schedule matches up with theirs more frequently so while all my classmates are in class, I'm at the gym bumping and spiking! This is a photo of the whole gaggle of people that like to play but only 6 of them are my teammates. So far, my team is undefeated -4 and 0 baby! :) We're working our way to a championship and of course the coveted intramural champs t-shirt!
