Huskies ---and some other stuff too

It's been nearly five weeks since I officially started medical school and as could be expected, a lot has happened since then. Mostly it has been studying and studying some more, but we've had some time for other fun events too. Namely, Husky football!

Being in possession of season student tickets we have our pick of the seats in the student section and we have found our home in section 119, right by the tunnel where the team enters the stadium. How about this for a close up view of the players?
 Oh, and of course an up close view of the amazing Husky puppy too!

 The most recent home game was the "blackout" game against Stanford. The school hosted a rally on the Tuesday before the game and although I had an exam the next morning (one of the biggest exams of the course) I was there, standing in line to earn an official "blackout of the century" t-shirt. I was studying my flash cards in this mob of predominately freshman undergrads--I was officially the nerd-- but after having passed my exam, I'll gratefully claim the title of nerd!
 The game also served as part of the bachelor activities for Griffin's wedding. So we gave up our student seats for the night and joined the bridal party in the Hawk's next instead.

 It was an amazing victory and a ton of fun to be a part of.
 The following night, the true wedding festivities began, starting with the rehearsal in Griffin's parents' front yard

 And, it was almost a mirror image of the real deal the next day:
 Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Ranck!
 As for what I did the day following the wedding--this sums it up -- drawing and re-drawing the vascular supply to the stomach, duodenum, spleen and pancreas. Thanks to Tom for being a part of a private school with BEAUTIFUL library facilities (way better than the ones at UW, as much as I hate to admit it) and tons of white board space that I can use too since I get in with him :)
 Oh, and as a minor set back during week two of med school (Tom wanted me to post this, much to my loathing), I had a lovely time in the ER on a sunny Friday afternoon after about 6 hours straight of vomiting every 7-10 minutes. Some stomach flu or something. Here I was finally knocked out and not vomiting and "enjoying" every minute of my precious rest ...I could care less at this point that I was missing out on dissecting the neck of our cadaver! 
Thank goodness that is over! Tomorrow is my final exam for gross anatomy then I'm on to many other exciting things which I'm sure will bring about many other blog posts.
