Commencing Accelerated Learning

Week 1 of medical school: check!
I just finished my first official med school exam in anatomy and I feel fantastic. Generally my schedule for this first five weeks of school are going to be rough -- class from 8:30 am-5:30 pm (a combo of lecture/lab) and then at least 3-4 hours of prep work to do for the following day's class (let alone time to review what was covered during the 9 hour day). It truly feels like an accelerated learning experience -- in a matter of a week I am now able to name each structure in the thorax, what it does, where it is and how it developed in the womb - crazy.

This week obviously took some willingness on my part to adjust my normal study habits to fit the time crunch but I  made it through and I can honestly say that even when I was in the lab at 9:30 pm last night I was LOVING it. It feels so fantastic to be in a place with people who love learning about what you care about and can share in the experience with you. It's also a huge reassurance that I'm in the right place after working for three years to get to this place!

I cannot thank you all enough for your love and support as I move through this next phase of my life. I have been blown away by how much you all are "in my corner" and rooting for me.

Okay, enough with the text and mushy gushy feelings, and on to some photos from the week. Well, actually they aren't photos from the week because all I was doing was studying and sitting in class but last weekend before the craziness started Tom and I enjoyed my first ever Husky Football experience.
One of my new friends from med school, Kendra, joined us. Much to my surprise, there isn't a med school tailgate party--so Tom and I may have to remedy that...
Of course, that meant that before the game we had to wander through tailgate alley and see what we could find. Tom found a place where he felt right at home-- teach a kid how to run routes :)
On our way we spotted this amazing hand-woven husky chair-- Tom was jealous of the owner
 After we made the rounds and realized that we weren't going to be able to mooch food off of anyone, we settled into the truck bed for a nice picnic (with husky colored beverages of course!).
 After the game, reality struck, but again I had a blast learning so much so fast. After all that hard work, I passed my exam with better than flying colors, so I'm taking the night off from studying and heading out with Tom for some husky volleyball tonight!
Oh, and I thought I’d clue you guys in on a potential birthday idea for Tom since I get a lot of questions about that this time of year. He was eyeing this husky hat at the team store this weekend and really wanted to buy it but he kept a hold of our purse string... just a thought :) 
