Lake Washington Adventure

Today we had yet many more errands to run around Seattle, but we took some time to continue our journey to becoming “Seattle-ites” by renting a canoe at the UW waterfront activities center and going for a little adventure around the lake. I think our waterproof camera (that I forgot to bring to Hawaii) had a smudge on the lens, but I did manage to get a few decent pictures of our fun.
We didn’t even come close to going around the lake but we went under a few foot bridges and ventured over to a sunny spot for our picnic lunch. 
We pulled our canoe up on shore and grabbed our “red riding hood basket” and enjoyed a few moments in the beautiful sunny weather. 
During lunch we had a great view of husky stadium under renovation. It will be interesting to return to this same spot one year from now to see it completed. 
This is Tom’s angry face for taking his picture while his mouth was full of PB&J. He said I always seem to photograph him with his mouth full.
Here’s the 520 floating bridge from our vantage point in the canoe. 
I broke a sweat on the way back and had to shed my layer again :)

 An awesome adventure for today and we've got another exciting event tomorrow—RENT! The time has come to attend that show that I bought tickets for Tom’s Christmas present last year is finally here. We can’t wait!
