A two week blur of things we've done!

A lot has happened in the past three weeks! We’ve been apartment hunting almost any day that we aren't at work, the veggies that I planted at Leo’s garden are sprouting and I have turned 25! As I prepare for class starting on Monday (yikes!) I figured I’d better post a quick blog because I might not have time to do that for a while (at least until I adjust to the new schedule). 

Let’s see, where do I start?

Well, I guess I can start by saying I got a new laptop. It’s been a good 4+ years with my old one, and as we all know, the technology advances so fast, that having any piece of hardware for that long means it’s obviously outdated. I have a bunch of digital microscope images to look at this year, so I needed a new one. Thanks to some awesome research by Tom, I got a new Toshiba that is literally 2.5 pounds –and it’s awesome! It will be so nice to have such a lightweight laptop while I’m lugging it around on the bus this summer. (here’s my happy face while it booted up for the first time):
During one of our many trips up to Seattle we visited an awesome and very eclectic hardware store (not because we needed anything, but because I had to pee). And, well, they had a bathroom, but when I asked if they had one, the clerk said reluctantly: “yes, we do, but it’s not a restroom it’s just a toilet, but you’re free to use it.” He wasn’t kidding! The most ridiculous bathroom I’ve ever used:
As I mentioned above, the seeds are sprouting at Leo’s garden. Check out our healthy crop of beans! (minus the few holes in the roles from the raccoons / squirrels digging them up):
On our most recent trip to Seattle, we decided to take some time to tour the UW campus and we both decided that we absolutely loved the undergrad library! It was so similar to King’s college that for a second I thought I was in the UK. I knew it was gorgeous from the outside, but the inside is amazing too. Check it out:
We also just checked out the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation visitor’s center. It is awe inspiring and I think that everyone should pay it a visit. If you’re in Seattle, take the time to do it and get inspired. Maybe the picture below isn’t news to you guys, but I was astonished when I saw that they have developed (well, they funded the scientists who developed) a contraceptive that lasts for three months! I know they have the Depo shot that can last like 5 years, but this is so user friendly and can be administered by the woman herself. Are you kidding me? This is incredible. 
It also just so happened while we were walking through Seattle there was a rally at Occidental Park to bring back the Sonics to Seattle. Well, we were actually early for the rally but we got free T-shirts out of the deal but just walking through. I didn’t photograph the T-shirst, but you can see proof that there was a rally getting started :)
The most recent event: my birthday. I can’t believe I’m 25 but I am so excited to be heading into the next quarter-century by stepping into medical school. I have learned so much in the journey to get there and I have a feeling that the learning I have done is only the tip of the iceberg for what is to come. To help celebrate my 25th birthday, Tom surprised me with breakfast in bed (banana French toast!), then he spoiled me some more and we spent the day doing things I absolutely love. 

We first stopped at the Wright Park Conservatory for my dose of flowers--- I could be in that place all day. Then we enjoyed the gorgeous sunny weather (73 degrees today!) and while Tom worked away on applying for more jobs, I spent my time creating a few necklaces and bracelets to sell (maybe it will mean I’ll get a pay check in the middle of the school year). 
 Lastly, we met up with our friends (even Allison came down from Seattle) to have dinner at the Chamber’s Bay Golf Course Grill. It was a beautiful atmosphere and a good time had by all. Tom made it a theme dinner –Purple and Gold.We had a great time (and got a few funny looks because some of us were in nearly matching purple gear, but we didn’t care). 
Classes start in 2 days and I can honestly say that I feel ready. I might feel differently come Sunday night when I can’t sleep, but for now, I’m ready! I finished my last day of work as a scribe on Wednesday and gleaned every possible bit of advice, guidance of just plain nonsense from the docs I worked with. The ones that just graduated residency were so sweet, they compiled a list of all the "books I couldn't live without in med school" for me to help me study/pass my boards, etc. And, nearly all of them gave me their phone numbers and email addresses to keep in touch. Several of them live in Seattle too, and we hope to catch up for dinner/drinks/coffee, etc so I can excitedly tell them all the things I'm learning, or cry on their shoulder as I unload the stress of the week. I can't believe how wonderful my experience has been as a scribe and the insight I have gained as a result. Three years of applying allowed me to do that, so as I proudly sport my #33 jersey at the football games this year, I will do my best to remember that while I was 33rd on the waitlist-- I earned that spot on the waitlist, I didn't just happen up on it. And, whenever I feel like giving up, I can remember that after 3 years, 3 application cycles and being 33rd on the list, I finally achieved what I was hoping for and I will be reminded to never give up. Med school, here I come!
