Another birthday surprise: Glassblowing!

So, not only did I get spoiled on my birthday itself, but Tom surprised me yesterday with a day at the Tacoma Glassblowing Studio! I was able to create one item with the help of the instructor.

I started by picking out the colors of the glass that I wanted to use

Then, I arranged them on this silver platter.

Next, came the hot shop. I donned my gloves and eye protection and set to work making my vase. Well, in all actuality, my instructor did a lot of the work (because if they just let all the newbies in their and had them do the work, the glass pieces would surely turn into useless blobs).

But I was able to actually blow the glass myself, and I got my own crack at shaping it too!

Here you can see me putting the final touches on the shape of the vase.

And, because it was my birthday, my instructor took a little bit of extra glass and created a flower for me! he whipped it out in like 2 seconds--it was incredible to watch :)

After I finished the vase it got placed in the kiln overnight so that it could cool back to room temperature over 11-12 hours. (so it wouldn't crack).
And here's my final product!
