
On our visit to Montana this past week, we were greeted with warm sunshine and blue skies (which faded after the first day, but I’m not complaining!). It was grandma’s birthday so we got the whole family together for a steak and crab feast (since we weren’t all together for the feast last Christmas). 

Rob was cautiously approaching the sunlight, assuring that his head wouldn't get burnt. 
There of course was corn hole for post-meal entertainment (look at their form!). 

the next morning we awoke to one of my favorite things about being home: fresh baked scones! These ones, the white chocolate raspberry ones, are my all-time favorite flavor of scone!
Then, we hit the trails for an afternoon down in the bitterroot. We walked a short ecological trail called the Larry Creek Trail. It was beautiful with all the wild flowers in bloom. 
And, of course Peyton had to take a rest stop in Larry Creek. Isn’t she cute?
After our hike we toured the Daly Mansion (also known as the Roosevelt). They don’t allow cameras inside the mansion, but you can imagine from the outside what it might be like on the inside. It was also designed by AJ Gibson, the architect who designed the Gibson Mansion :). 

One of our last days in Montana we enjoyed a feast with Paul at HuHot Mongolian grill. 
To round out our lovely and restful trip home we picked up Julia at the Spokane airport, spent the night at the cabin and spent the next day touring the Easter Washington University campus, where Julia will be going this fall. (see photos on facebook of that trip :).

Going to Montana always makes me miss it, but then again, whenever we arrive back in Tacoma and I step out of the car and smell the ocean air, I feel at home too ---but not for long! I was accepted to the program with the early histology class, so I will start my first class I med school on June 18th. I learned yesterday that not only is it tuition free (therefore saving me roughly $3,000 in the fall) but I will also be receiving a stipend! I don’t know how much yet, but the fact that I’m getting paid to complete my first class of med school is very much OK with me!
