I'm in!

You all know this by now, but I had to put it on the blog so that it was "officially" official :). On May 14th, 2012 I was accepted to the University of Washington School of Medicine! After three long years, 5 MCAT’s and many emotional ups and downs, I did it. The perseverance paid off and I could not be more excited! 
This is my cheesy "Who's got two thumbs and got into medical school?" photo
I actually found out while I was at work. The doctor I was working with was amazingly empathetic (he is a UW med school alum by the way) and he let me leave with more than half of my shift to go! He knew I couldn’t possibly concentrate—I had a huge smile on my face and my hands were pretty much shaking as I tried to type. So, instead of working until 9pm, I was able get off in time to meet Tom after work to celebrate. 

The following night, just coincidentally happened to be Jessica’s birthday, so we joined her and Geoff at The Social (the restaurant that has now taken over what used to be “Woody’s on the Water” that we loved so much). Tom and I experienced our first ever steamed clams and we enjoyed an evening of celebration together. 
Now that I’m a husky, I had to get some gear to prove it. Tom took me to the UW Tacoma Book Store and purchased me my first real piece of UW gear. Go Huskies!
For all of you wondering when classes will start, that all depends. There is an option to take my histology course this summer from June 18th-July 20th. You have to apply for it (I know, just when I thought I was done applying right?). The due date for applications is tomorrow, so I submitted mine today. I’ll find out by June 1st if I qualify, and if so, I’ll be able to do the course over the summer and have one less class to worry about this fall. The best part: it’s tuition free!  (hence why you have to apply for it). If not, then orientation starts August 27th (I think) and fall classes commence on September 4th. Life is about to get crazy!
