Spring time things

We have had two days of GLORIOUS weather in Tacoma and we’ve been out and enjoying it as much as we can.First, while Tom was at work on Saturday, I hit Proctor Street with Geoff and Jess to check out the annual Jr. Daffodil parade. It was full of cute costumes, lots of kids and some really cute pups!
 They started off the parade with the bag pipes, which was an excellent choice—they were good!
 I didn’t take many other pictures, but I thought this girl was particularly talented that it warranted a picture—she is jump-roping while on a pogo stick! And, not just a large jump rope but also a personal jump rope too!
Lastly, I liked the representative for the Blue Mouse Theater. He/she was all by themselves while walking through the parade. And, while I don’t think they planned on it being like this, the Blue Mouse became the “thing that I want to hug” to ALL the kids! It was hilarious. The mouse ended up holding up the entire parade because of the line of children wanting a hug from the mouse—ha!
Then, today, we headed up to Covington Washington to walk the Soos Creek Trail. Why Covington you ask? Well, MultiCare has just opened up a free-standing ER up there that will be staffed by the physician group that I work with. It is not official yet, but we will likely be staffing that ER with the docs. I am not sure of the logistics yet because that’s quite a commute for the wage we’re getting, but we’ll see. Anyway, I have been requested specifically by multiple physicians to be the guinea pig and do a trial run and see how it all works logistically. So, I’ll be heading up there for my first shift on Friday (and first commute to work of my life by the way—how lucky am I that I’ve never had to do that before?). I wanted to see where it was and it just so happens that Covington has a great trail system along the creek so we got to enjoy the sun on a nice walk and see where I need to head on Friday. 
The trail was more than 11 miles long (we think, based on cursory internet searches) but we only walked a total of 6.5 miles of it. It’s not a loop, just an in-and-back kind of thing. We didn’t feel up for a 22 miler (11 in and 11 back) today so we just walked for a while and turned around when we felt like it. It was positively gorgeous, but yet again, I didn’t take very many pictures. I’m sure Tom will not appreciate this one because it’s not very flattering of a mid-sentence pose, but hey, it’s a picture of him right? :)
I thought these swamp dwelling plants were really pretty. And, of course, the sun was AMAZING! Yay for Spring!
