More off of the bucket list

We knocked a few things off of my Pacific Northwest Bucket this weekend. Actually, we checked off quite a few things to make for a very touristy day in Seattle: 1. Ride the sounder train to Seattle. 2. See the gum wall on Post Alley (can you believe I haven’t seen it in person yet?) 3. Take a Seattle underground tour and 4. Go to the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. 

Usually the Sounder doesn’t run on Sundays, but there was a Mariner’s game so we took advantage of the special trip. Thanks to Tom’s work, we got to ride free with his Orca pass. 
We enjoyed a “brunch” on the train (since we got on at around 11) of left-over homemade pizza—delicious!
There were gorgeous views of the mountain and the gardening fields in Puyallup. 
Once we arrived in Seattle, we had to complete several other tourist stops. First, what’s a day in Seattle without a hand full of a white paper cup with a cardboard sleeve? Although, we ventured away from Starbucks and went to Seattle’s best instead. 
Then, as dessert from our brunch, we got some of the famous “drop cookies” at Cow Chips cookie shop. Delicious!

We enjoyed this beautiful view while we enjoyed our cookies.
Then we head down to the basement of Seattle for our underground tour. It was a great time, we had a wonderful tour guide who continuously made fun of Tacoma, but we forgave him. 
The underground looked way different than I thought it would. I had this fake conception of an entire city underneath Seattle. 

But, it’s really just an amalgamation of brick, concrete, wood, pipes and dust. It doesn’t look much like a city under there!
But there were some pretty neat artifacts scattered along the hallways:
Also, there were these really neat sky lights made out of Manganese that starts out clear like glass but turns purple after about 10 years of sunlight. 
Our next stop was the Woodland Park Zoo. We saw a ton of animals of course, but I only took pictures of a few:

The aviary's also had a lot of beautiful flowers too!
And, lastly, we headed back into downtown Seattle so I could catch a glimpse of the gum wall.
Pretty gross and yet interesting and cool at the same time!
A pretty good day where I got to check 4 things off of the list! It was an awesome day off with Tom :)
