Challenge Accepted

While Tom was at work the other day, he was challenged by his co-workers (well, at least by the female ones). They said something to the effect of: “I bet you can’t make chocolate cupcakes—from scratch—that are moist and delicious (without Deanna’s help). Well, you know Tom. When he is challenged by someone to do something, it is hard to stop him from doing it. So, the other afternoon (he had the day off) he donned his BBQ themed apron and set to work.  
I was on standby to keep him on track with the recipe but I did not measure, mix, pour or otherwise physically assist in making them. I just documented the event. 

He even made his own frosting from scratch, and used a Ziplock pastry bag to frost them. 
When all was said and done, I of course did not sample the cupcakes (because they were chocolate…yuck). But, I did think that they smelled and looked like a chocolate cupcake should.

He went so far as to deliver them to his co-workers while it was still business hours but it was too busy for them to taste test them at work. So, alas, they ate them the next day. And, I hear through the grapevine that they had good flavor, but they were a bit dry. However, considering it was a first time solo-baking event for Tom, I was pretty proud :)
