Preparing for NYNE

Well, as some of you know, Tom had a bunch of paid time off saved up from BECU. And, since he's been accepted to law school, it's likely that it would just go wasted if he didn't use it (he can't cash it out at the end unfortunately). So, he had tried to figure out when he was going to take a week off (rough life right?) and put in for the week of April 2nd-6th. He did this back in October when his boss asked everyone for their 2012 schedule plans. Well, ironically we both forgot about it until earlier this month when the April schedule was posted. What should we do with a week off? 

Well, after much deliberation, we will be visiting two law schools that are of interest to us but that are far away from us: Syracuse (in NY) and Creighton (in Omaha, NE)--So, we are fondly dubbing the trip our "NYNE" trip :)
For those of you (likely our mothers) who would like to know our itinerary, here's the plan:

April 2nd - take the red eye from Seattle to Syracuse. 
Which one will be me? which one will be Tom? :)
April 3rd- arrive in Syracuse at 9am, Tom will take a tour of the law school and meet with the admissions committee
Syracuse University

April 4th - Deanna will meet with an admission director for several different master's degree programs offered at Syracuse that are of some interest to her; then perhaps take a road trip to see the baseball hall of fame, or other nearby sites.

April 5th - Fly from Syracuse to Omaha (arrive in Omaha at 230 pm). Since Creighton is a Jesuit campus, they are closed on the 6th (Good friday) so we're squeezing in a meeting, tour, etc from 3:30 -5pm that same day. Hopefully the flight is on time! I am also hoping to be able to meet up with the director of the Clinical Anatomy Master's program (which I applied to last month).
Creighton University
April 6th - tour around Creighton, see what housing is like, and what excitement awaits in Omaha.
Downtown Omaha
April 7th - Fly back to Tacoma (arrive home by 10 AM PST)

It's going to be a whirlwind and we'll likely be exhausted from the flying schedule, but we're excited to go out and see what may await us this fall. 

The deadlines for submitting a deposit to law school are approaching quickly (some are April 15th) which means a decision is soon approaching as well. Tom was accepted to 9 schools but Willamette (in Salem, OR), Creighton and Syracuse are probably the top three in the running right now. He's still on the wait list for several schools too, so maybe those will become options as well. Here's to change coming our way in the Fall of 2012!
