A Very "Garden-y" Valentines Day

This Valentines Day, (well a few days before actually) Tom treated me to the Seattle Garden show and a delicious dinner in Seattle. Now, like I said, Tom treated me because this certainly wasn't something he would go to out of his own will :). 
The theme for the show this year was a "floral symphony" so it had musical themes throughout the show and there was a competition of bouquets that meet that theme (see photos at the end).
There was a whole floor of display gardens, which I'm sure took days upon days to set up for us to enjoy. The smells of hyacinths, plumeria, and gardenias put me into a wonderful mood, distracting me from the dreary day in Seattle.
 Some of the displays made me wish I could start my greenhouse in February, but I don't think the seedlings would survive :(. But, I still loved seeing the cute little mini-greenhouses with their snap pea and lettuce starts.
 There was one display that was particularly memorable. This is not a good picture of it but they set up drums and had water dripping from the eaves of the pergola onto the them. It was created a beautiful, soft drumming and it made me wish I owned a home and I could make these for myself! Goodness knows there's enough rain in Washington that I could have drumming all the time :).

 This was a new hybrid daffodil and gardenia that I absolutely loved!
 This is for you mom--I know you like the red bark trees that are planted around Tacoma so what about a yellow bark tree?
 Here are those arrangements I was talking about earlier that were entered into a competition. Doesn't it just make you want to take them to a fancy wedding as the decorations?

 After the show we went to Ship Canal Grill in Seattle. It's a new place and had such a cool atmosphere. Oh, and the food was delicious too!

Thanks for an amazing Valentines Day Tom!
