Lovely Lake Cushman (with Peyton)

For this blog entry, it’s probably easiest for you to see the accompanying photos that I posted on facebook (it was faster to upload all of them) but I have chosen a few of our favorites for you to glance at.For those of you who weren’t aware of our plan for a quick January get-away, it was all because Tom and I both had a three day weekend and we decided to take advantage of the fact that we had a puppy for a few weeks (thanks mom and dad for letting us watch Peyton)!
We decided to rent a cabin on Lake Cushman, about an hour and a half south west of Tacoma. It was a cute 900 square foot place with one bedroom, one bath and an adorable loft. 

One small thing we weren't too fond of at the cabin was this:
While we were not fans of the décor in the master bedroom (we actually found it humorous) we enjoyed our stay very much! We cuddled up by the fire at night and enjoyed long strolls around the lake and into the woods during the day. (We also thought the bathroom decor was a little out of style for a mountain cabin, but it helped me think warm thoughts I guess :)
 On our first day we got in, ate lunch and immediately set out for the lake.
I haven’t had the chance to look it up yet online, but I’m fairly certain that Lake Cushman is a man-made lake. It was so still and peaceful we couldn’t take our eyes off of it (well, it was still until Peyton arrived of course). 
Peyton got to try out a new lake-time game as well:
The water was clear blue and I can’t help but say it again – gorgeous!
On our second day we took a walk along the trails behind our cabin, another walk along the lake and then also headed down to the “Staircase campground” for a walk along the river. Here are some amazing snapshots from our river adventures!
On our last day, we decided to go for another “quick” hike before we packed up the cabin and drove home. We headed to the trailhead for the Wagonwheel Lake. “It’s only 2.9 miles” we said, “so we can do that no problem!” Well, it may have been 2.9 miles, but it was 3,200 feet of elevation gain during that mileage. The signs warned us on the way in “the trail goes up almost immediately and continually throughout the hike” but we felt strong and pushed past the warnings. Well, we got a work out!!!
Sadly, we never actually made it to the lake—we hit snow, and it would have taken snow shoes to traverse the terrain. Also, we decided to turn around because, since we were only planning on a quick hike, we brought water, but didn’t bring any food. So, hungry (and exhausted) we headed back down without seeing the lake. I was sad that we had hiked so far without a gorgeous final viewpoint or anything to show for it, but you live and learn right?! 
All I can say is that we earned the meal that awaited us when we got back: 

Overall, a FANTASTIC weekend that was completely unplugged! You should try it sometime, it is very refreshing!
