Blissful Christmas

We had an absolutely wonderful Christmas this year, starting with Christmas Eve. We headed off to the Seawhawks vs 49er’s game at Century Link Field with Ann, Paul and Julia. We were planning to head out early on Saturday morning to tailgate, but after getting off of work at 11 PM Friday night (meaning that Tom and I didn't arrive at Ann's until almost 12:30 AM) I was not feeling to ambitious about getting up that early and was kind of secretly hoping to stay home before the game. And, mother nature was "on my side" when it came to that because it was POURING rain when we got up. So, we enjoyed our Bratwurst and other tailgating fanfare at Ann's house, comfy and warm inside :). 

 Then, when we arrived in Seattle, the weather had cleared and we set off to enjoy a wonderful game day on an (almost) warm and somewhat sunny day! Here's the view from the sounder train station bridge that we walked over from our parking spot to the game.
 Tom was SOOO excited (well, we all were)
 The sound of the Blue Thunder welcomed us into the stadium where we took our seats --- fantastic seats!--- in section 118, just kiddy-corner from the south end zone.
 Here's the amazing view from our seats! See the beautiful sunshine? We didn't get to feel it on our shoulders, but I wasn't complaining!
 Ultimately, the Hawks didn't pull off the win, but that couldn't break our spirits. We headed out, had some delicious "victory funfetti cupcakes" (thanks Julia!) while waiting in the car for the traffic to clear and enjoyed a lovely pot roast dinner and movie night in preparation for Christmas.
 When Christmas morning finally arrived, we first had to set the tone with Michael Buble's Christmas album. (For those of you who are wondering, no this is not Paul getting ready to "Tebow" it, he's putting in the CD but I liked the picture of the beautiful tree in the background :)
 Can't you see Julia's excitement in her eyes?? This was while we were anxiously awaiting for everyone to join us in the living room for the stockings and presents to be opened!
 Julia got matching nerf gun for Paul and Tom and they obviously had to battle it out after all the gifts were unwrapped! (see the video at the bottom for some of the live action :)
 This is Tom's excited face!
 Here's a great action shot of Paul, aiming for a "hole in one" for their Nerf-folf game. (don't ask me who the winner was, I can't remember)
 After all the gifts were opened and we had stuffed ourselves on breakfast, we headed back to Tacoma to enjoy a lovely Christmas dinner with John, Diana and Katie. More presents, more laughs and more good times were had by all! (sorry, I forgot to take photos). Tom and I feel so blessed to be surrounded by loving family particularly during the Christmas season. Thank you all!

For your viewing enjoyment, I have included a video of hole #7 of Tom and Paul's nerf-folf game. You can see their skills and it'll be like you were there with us on Christmas morning :). Happy Holidays everyone!
