October Family Weekend

As you all likely saw from facebook photo uploads from both my parents and myself, we had an amazing weekend of running, relaxation and tromping in the mud for pumpkins! Last night we decided to carve the pumpkins. We emptied out the guts and got to work. (well, at least I did). Tom had a case of artist's block and couldn't decide what to carve.

 I thought maybe some Halloween Funfetti cake (thanks mom and dad for the treat!) would help inspire him.
 Well, it worked for me! I decided to go with a squirrel. A little less spooky than the average jack-o-lantern -- exactly how I like it! But, by the time Tom started to get an idea for his pumpkin, it was late and time to hit the hay, so his pumpkin remains a blank canvas...an empty pumpkin sitting in our house, gutless, waiting to be  carved. Hopefully pictures will be soon to follow with his masterpiece :)
 And, although most of the following pictures are up on facebook, I wanted to add them to the blog so we could continue to have an online record of our life's events. So, to start, here are my shoes for the Dorothy costume for the 2.5mi/5mi "Black Cat Fun Run" Race put on by MetroParks. We made it a dual family event and everyone was involved!
 This was just before all the fun began, while we were all still dry (from a lack of sweat, and a lack of rain).

 And here we are at the finish, out mottly crew of 50's nerds, zombies, cheerleaders, skunk, a dead guy and poison ivy celebrate a fun (and actually pleasant despite the rain) night! Dad finished the 5 mile loop at an amazing time of 45 minutes! Not bad for a nerd!
 Aren't they just adorable! I think they should have won the costume contest, but we were kind of "late entries" to the contest. They win my vote though!
 Back at home after the race while we enjoyed some refreshing beverages, Peyton was rewarded with a "frosty paws" dessert and we again admired her skunk-like features :)
 All done with dessert, now it's time for a belly rub!
 Later in the weekend we went to Picha's Pumpkin Patch. Knowing me and mom, we had to go to the other side of the patch to see "the good ones". Our feet were muddy but we had a great time (and we got the best pumpkins too)!
 The two Tom's had to put in their efforts at the pumpkin sling shot. Here they are in their anxious state of waiting their turn:
 Are you ready?
 One, two, three! They both were way off on the first shot, but oh so close on the second. Alas, no free pumpkin for us today.

 One of the cute gords in the bins by the check out line :)
 Then, it was finally time for Peyton to go from skunk back to lab. Fortunately there was a self service doggy wash adjacent to the pumpkin patch!
After she was all clean, we headed down to the waterfront for a brisk walk in the fall sunshine. I didn't get a picture of us on the walk, just the pretty scenery along the way.
 At the close of the trip, we spent some relaxing time at my parents' home for the weekend, the Annex apartments. We reserved the theater for Monday night football. Sorry, no pictures of the festivities but with yummy pizza, good company and a football game, who has time for photos anyway?

Thanks for visiting us mom, dad and Peyton. Only about 1 month to go before Tom and I get to head back to Montana for a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. Can't wait!
