Are you ready for some football?

Now that Tom has officially taken the LSAT and started the process of applying, he has a little more time in his schedule to allow for something that Geoff has been pestering him to become involved in for WEEKS! It’s a men’s league flag football team. 
Now you must know how much Tom enjoys this, and if you don’t believe me, just know that the league is on Sunday afternoons. And, you know what sacrifice it takes to not e home on Sundays, because you know what Sundays are: NFL days! 
Tom was kind of an outsider, joining a team for their third (or maybe fourth) official game, so he didn’t really know the players/plays but still had a great time. 
I have to throw in a caveat here, my photographing efforts either make it look like everyone is just standing around or are blurry non-close ups of the people you are interested in seeing on this blog—but bear in mind that I took them while enjoying the fall sun and a brisk walk around the track surrounding the field with good company, Geoff’s girlfriend Jessica.
