Jarell Cove Camping Trip

Well, it's the first time this year we've had a chance to go on a camping trip and we only had 24 hours to do it, but we did it! We picked Jarell Cove on Harstine Island. It’s a about an hour and fifteen minutes from Tacoma, and it’s accessible predominately by boat. There is just a small bridge leading out to the Island.

 We reserved our camp spot online and picked it because it had the most privacy, but when we got to the camp we were bummed out because it was right off of the main drive into the campground! 

 But, then, after talking with the camp host, we found out that we could have our pick of any spot in the campground because we were the only “tenants” for the night. So, we ended up with one with a water view! It was fantastic.

When we arrived it was nearly 85 degrees and we set out to discover the docks and beaches.

We considered going in for a dip until we saw this: 
Jellyfish! It was the biggest one (well, there was more than one) I had ever seen in person (even at an Aquarium) and certainly the most burnt-red colored one I had ever seen.
 Then, there were these other small white ones:
 They were beautiful, but I was not about to set even one toe in the water for fear of getting stung!
 We left the shore and explored the area around the campground instead and found a few hungry squirrels along the way.

 Then, we settled on a game of horseshoes at the campground and then some cards and Bananagrams in the sun.

 Not to mention we got in some R&R on the docks at sunset! I'm telling you, this was the life!

 Then, of course, as tradition would have it, we had hobo dinners. I think if I looked back in my blogs I would have similar photos recorded, but what the heck…

 It was a gorgeous evening cuddled up by the fire with our marshmallows.
In the morning we tested out the “new” jetboil. If you recall from our last camping adventure in October of last year, I tried to boil milk in it, and ended up burning it and leaving behind a terrible residue so that everything else we ever made with it tasted like burnt milk. So, after pleading with REI we got a new one. And this one has a fancy color-change feature, so I don’t have to look inside to know that the water is boiling—a modern wonder! 

Then, Tom was our morning chef and created a lovely cheesy scramble over the fire. 

 We were sad to pack up our tent after just the one night, but it was wonderful to get out and enjoy the fresh air even for such a short time. And, if anything else, we can say that we did go camping in 2011!
