Our Seattle Weekend Getaway

Well, as I said in my last post, Tom took the LSAT on Monday (yesterday) up at Seattle University. So, Tom and I decided to make a weekend out of it and we booked a place to stay just 2 miles from Alki beach in west Seattle. One of Tom's co-workers, John was also taking the test and so we split the cost of the unit and had a fantastic weekend! Unfortunately as I said in my last post, our camera is broken, so I don't have any fun pictures to show you (except for the ones of the place we rented that you'll see at the end). **hint, hint, family members -- if you want to joint together to get a birthday present for deanna :) **

We went up there Saturday afternoon and spent the day walking along Alki beach. It was HOT outside and there were TONS of people enjoying the sunshine. It was about 2 miles to the "start" of the beach, then the beach itself is at least another 2 miles. We stopped along the way to get some ice cream and totally lost track of time - it was bliss!

Then, on Sunday we hit downtown Seattle for some more fun. We walked along Pikes place, and enjoyed the sun some more. Then, we headed to the Mariner's game to keep Tom's mind off of his nerves :). And, what do you know, we didn't even plan this but we ran into Geoff and Jessica while standing in line to get tickets! They were there with Geoff's dad who works on the lower levels of the stadium and so, we bought cheap bleacher seats but got to sit down in the section that he works in, right off the third base line!

Then, we spent the evening relaxing-- I tried to keep Tom and John calm before the big day by making dinner and baking cookies :).

After all is said and done, Tom and John endured the test and they both felt pretty good about it -- but only the scores will tell they say. We should here back in 2-3 weeks about the scores so we'll keep you posted! Overall, it was a successful weekend and a ton of fun. 

Look where we got to stay! Sometimes the internet photos make it look nicer than it actually is, but these photos are EXACT when compared to the real deal! Not bad for $100 a night right -- especially when it was split between us and John :) It was a home away from home with a fully equipped kitchen for making all our meals and just relaxing with a glass of wine. What an amazing weekend!
