Valentine's Day

Although Valentines Day is not a paid national holiday, it was Tom's day off anyway. So, we had a whole day to ourselves to celebrate. We started the day off (well at least I did) by smelling the gorgeous bouquet that Tom gave me *which by the way, Tom created by himself at the Metropolitan Market*. Isn't it lovely?

With the smell of eucalyptus and roses we set about making a Valentines breakfast feast. With our aprons on we whipped up a ham and cheese scramble, fresh fruit, cinnamon rolls and orange juice!

And, in the tradition of taking photos of everything we eat :) we took pictures of our cinnamon rolls. I swear I don't make these every week or anything, but they've already been on the blog once, maybe twice, so I don't want you all to get the wrong idea! :)

We decided that this year instead of going out to dinner like so many folks we know on Valentines day that we would catch a matinee at the movies. We went to the Galaxy theater in Gig Harbor which is the "fanciest" theater in our area. We had heard about their "VIP theater" and decided to give it a shot. You have to be 21 or over and they sell wine, beer, appetizers and food --- and most importantly they only sell Orville Reddenbockers popcorn which is advertised to have REAL BUTTER, not that weird yellow colored substance that they claim is butter.

You can order in the "lounge" with hard wood floors and candle light atmosphere prior to going into the theater and then they deliver the food/drinks right to your seat. The seats are HUGE and they sort of recline, not to mention there are mini "tables" on either side of every two chairs so you can enjoy your food without having to balance it on your lap.

Well, we didn't order any food because initially we weren't hungry from our huge breakfast. But, we brought dinner with us, and end up snacking on it about half way through the movie so we still utilized the chair side tables for our fresh sandwiches, veggies, fruit, yogurt, wheat thins and V8 fusion juice! Even without their food, it was still was an extra comfy movie experience.

After the movie we headed off to "Java and Clay Cafe" in downtown Gig Harbor to get our creative juices flowing by painting some pottery. They have all sorts of trinkets, kitchen items and of course tons of coffee mugs to paint, which is what we went for.

They had a Valentines Day special so for $10 we got two beverages and two desserts while we painted! So I got myself a chai tea (which was amazing by the way) and Tom got a smoothie and we set about working on our masterpieces!

We got dessert about half way through. Tom enjoyed chocolate mouse cake and I had some carrot cake.
We took bites every few minutes while we waited for the layers of paint to dry.

And here are the almost-finished products! They have to be fired in the kiln before we can take them home, so the colors will become more vibrant when they are all done.

This is Tom's "6 am mug" that he'll drink out of when he's up early and I'm still lazily sleeping :) I'll drink my morning chai at a later hour in my over-sized daisy mug thank you!.

Overall it was a fantastic date night and a great way to spend the day with my true love!
