President's Day Get-Away!

Tom and I had a stressful week and we kind of joked around about getting away for the weekend. Well, I went to work on Saturday morning of president's day weekend and figured it wasn't going to happen. But, who would have guessed the ER was EMPTY. The doc I was working with was actually checking his fantasy football team (I felt right at home) because there were NO I decided to look around for a fun place to take off to that night since Tom and I both had Sunday and Monday off.

I sent off about 7 emails asking about availability for different condo's and cabins in our area and figured I wouldn't hear anything back. But by 7:30 I had 5 responses and a choice to make! I decided to go for it and booked us at an adorable little cabin in Olympia. I got off work around 4 pm, got home, told Tom we were heading out of town and w packed some clothes and a cooler full of food and we were off!

It turns out that the cabin was having roof work done on Monday morning early so the owner let us rent it for an incredible deal - she practically gave it to us for free! We arrived to some personal touches. I never told the owner Tom's name so everything was for Deanna (and hubby).

We arrived just in time for dinner and we cooked up some spaghetti. I loved the old chopping block style counter- it reminded me of the counter at Hudson's Hamburgers in Coeur d'Alene (if you're a Bowler or a Malikie you know what I'm talking about!

The can opener left a lot to be desired but we made it work and enjoyed our spaghetti in our new home for the weekend.

I thought the stove top was adorable - I think it was a good 30-40 years old and solid copper!

The skies were clear and it was cold, but Tom got the wood stove burning and we settled in with some blankets and a good book for the evening.

Here are some shots from the place - it was kind of rustic and old fashioned, and PERFECT:

In the morning we explored the waters that were literally 12 feet from our back deck. When the tide goes out it makes for great beach-combing and we enjoyed.

I told Tom that I'd like to own a beautiful place like this (across the water from us) someday:

But, ultimately, you can't go wrong with a quaint place like where we stayed:

We had a blast and felt rested to return to work and prepping for my UW interview - officially set for March 10th at 8 AM!
