1000 beautiful dresses

This weekend was one that I have been waiting for for a long time!

It was the charity gown sale for an organization called Brides Against Breast Cancer. It is a traveling sale that showcases a little over a thousand wedding gowns that are for sale at crazy cheap prices! (we're talking most from $99 to $800 that originally retailed between $1,100 - $8,000). The gowns are donated by retail stores, designers or individuals and all the proceeds go to the Making Memories Foundation (like the Make A Wish foundation but for women with metastatic breast cancer) or to cancer research.

They need volunteers to man the sale and help brides pick out and try on the dresses. Tom and I signed up to volunteer several months ago and I personally couldn't wait. I helped out on the "VIP night" on Friday after work and Tom joined in the fun today for the last day of the sale in Tacoma.

We donned our (way-to-big - I got an XL!) pink volunteer tees and set to work. I armed myself with clips to help hold the "too-big" dresses that would need alteration and helped brides get through all the fluff and tulle! And, at times I was a personal consultant, pulling dresses that they might like, and I ended up picking out about 6 winners that brides took home for their special day!

Don't worry, Tom didn't go in the dressing rooms. Instead, he manned the "go-back rack"- his muscles came in handy - some of those wedding dresses are HEAVY - and when you get 4-5 of them at once, all that fluff I was talking about can swallow a girl trying to carry them!

It was great fun and I hope to do it again some time! This weekend they raised $20,962!!! And, some brides got some crazy deals!
