January with Peyton!

Well, as most of you know, Tom and Nancy are off in the tropics again for another month of bliss while we bear the cold, short days of winter. But, Tom and I get a little bonus to help us get through the dreary month -- PEYTON!

We love having a puppy in the house and have gone on LONG walks every day. She's my way of staying motivated to be active during the rainy days.

Recently we checked out the dog park at Fort Steilacoom. It's huge! Peyton and I have tons of fun walking through the grass, the woods, around the pond and playing with all the other pups!

There's some gorgeous scenery, as you can tell below:

My personal favorite is the big red barns scattered throughout the park.

If you haven't been here, you don't have to have a dog to go! There are over 10 miles of walking trails and it's gorgeous!!! Check it out sometime.
