At-home Christmas highlights

Well, Christmas has long come and gone but I never posted any photos of our Christmas! We had an early Christmas with John, Diana, Katie and Grammy so that they didn't have to lug all the gifts on the plane to Montana.

We don't have any pics of the fun events of the day, except food (of course, it is Tom and Deanna's blog after all) Tom and I made a delicious apple pie for our first Christmas of the year. *tom made the forest on the top :) *

Then, Tom and I had our own Christmas prior to the trip to Montana. He and I had the same ideas for each other for gifts (we do that a lot)!

We snuggled in to the couch with the gifts and both opened up brand new jackets...

and GPS systems for our cars! You'd think we live together or something!

We had a wonderful Christmas before Christmas even started!

I don't have any pictures of the real Montana Christmas with the Glassman's and Malikie's -- you'll have to go to facebook for that.

I also don't have any pictures from New Years, as I was at work both new years eve and new years day during the night shift.

But, Tom was a wonderful husband (as always) and came to visit me with some hot cocoa in hand right at midnight to help me ring in the new year. It was the best way to celebrate :)
