"Flourishing Apple Cup"

If you're not a Washingtonian you might not be familiar with the Apple Cup, the rivalry game between the UW Huskies and the WSU Cougars, but it's a big deal in the Glassman family, and this year we celebrated with Geoff.

Due to the fact that we don't have cable TV, we "huskied up" and went out to the Ram restaurant for the game. In honor of the big game, the boys ordered "Husky burgers" and they were huge! (as you can see :) We enjoyed the game with a house full of almost all Huskies, and watched them go to a 35 to 28 victory!

We had to celebrate after the win and Geoff treated us to Apple pie (in honor of the Apple Cup) at Sheri's. I didn't take pictures but I promise it was delicious and it left us all feeling the way that Geoff looks in this picture:

In other news, you probably heard that my jewelry is now being featured at a small boutique on Proctor street in Tacoma called Flourish. The owner bumped into me at Starbucks, remembered me from when I worked at the Bead Factory and asked me to bring samples of my work by. (also, kind of a small world - her son went to middle school with Tom!) She loved them all, and now I have about 30 pieces for sale in the store!

So, if you're ever in Tacoma, stop by Flourish and take a peak. There are many other artists who are also selling their stuff there so you'd probably have to ask which stuff is mine :). Either way, it's super exciting! I've had it for sale for the past 2-3 weeks and I've sold three pieces - not much but it's still really reassuring that someone else likes my stuff enough to buy it, let alone buy it at a marked up retail price!!!
