Christmas time is here!

Tom and I attended our first work-related holiday party as a married couple this month, and it got us in the Christmas mood! We went to an ornament exchange and had to find just the perfect ornaments to give away. Where did we go? You should already know the answer: Goodwill Christmas Shoppe of course! It's Goodwill, but with just Christmas decorations!

So, not only did we walk away with ornaments for our gift exchange, we ended up with some new christmas mugs for a night of cocoa and relaxing by the tree.

Tom set to work drinking cocoa making us a centerpiece for our table while I wrapped our ornaments for the party.

He did a good job right? :)

And, after the party was said and done, I think we walked a way with a winner! Check it out! :)

Merry Christmas everyone!
