A way to help us save!

Hello everyone,

Tom and I just recently started saving on a website called Upromise. It's in connection with Sallie Mae and my student loans from UPS. Basically we get a percentage back on all of our purchases made online. Every penny of that percentage goes directly to paying off my debt.

Nearly all the stores we regularly shop at are included in the program. We also have our safeway and albertson's cards linked to the account and we get 2% back on all our groceries that gets put directly back into paying off the debt!

So, if your thinking about buying something online, can you consider going through the link below and helping us out? It's a "guest" link and it will direct you to the website you want to buy from, but it will give a percentage back (sometimes up to 8%) directly to my student loan account.

No pressure, but if you're going to buy online anyway, we would appreciate any and all pennies going towards becoming debt free!

The link is below. It will take you to the "Upromise" website. Click on "see deals and shop" to enter the site, then you search for the store you want to shop at and click on the link. It will direct you to the website of the store you're shopping at. You don't have to enter any codes or anything, the percentage back goes to our account just by accessing the store's website through the Upromise site

Upromise Guest Shopping for Deanna

Thanks for reading! :)
