Quest for cinnamon rolls

I have been craving cinnamon rolls for the past week (especially when I walked past cinnabon on my last trip to the mall). So, I decided that though I had never made them before, there's a first time for everything.

I mean, if I can make bread I can make cinnamon rolls right? Well, we had just enough yeast to make the dough and I set out on a Saturday afternoon so that there would be hot cinnomon-y goodness to wake up to on sunday morning.

I prepared the dough but after letting the dough rise for 2 hours it hadn't budged! It was certainly not double the bulk in size and it was just dense and dead looking.

I was ready to call it quits because we were out of yeast, but Tom suggested we run out to the store, buy some more yeast and give it one more shot. So, he did most of the prep as I was a little down-trodden. Two hours later we had a beautiful bowl full of puffy, yummy smelling dough.

We rolled them out, prepped them, and anxiously waited for morning! :)
Tom was convinced not to waste my crappy first attempt, so he formed those into rolls too. I told him it wouldn't work but he did it anyway! (see below)!

Well, Sunday morning arrived and we had delicious cinnamon rolls that hit the spot! yum! My first attempt really didn't turn out, but Tom wanted to bake them anyway, and he said they were still yummy.....but I can't vouche for it, I was too busy eating the gooey, goodness of the second batch!
