Camp out for Steph's Wedding

This weekend Tom and I finally decided to get out our awesome camping gear given to us for wedding gifts and drive down to Portland area for a fellow "Logger" and friend of ours from college, Stephanie's wedding.

It as a gorgeous week in Tacoma and we kept our fingers crossed for a gorgeous weekend for camping. We found an opening at Milo McIver State Park, in Estacada, Oregon, about 20 mintues from where the wedding was and were on our way. We reserved campsite 47 online because the whole campground was full and we didn't want to risk not having a spot

I didn't get off of work until about 3:30 on friday afternoon so we made it just in time to set up camp in the dark with the truck head lights. But with the help of a head lamp and flashlight we were all set up to enjoy our first camping dinner: salmon, coucous and steamed broccoli - with roasted marshmallows for dessert. We had a perfect fire and a perfect evening serenaded by the crickets.

The weather was so warm I didn't even need to put on a sweatshirt (which for those of you who know me well, realize how much of a thrill that was!). We ended the evening with a nice cup of hot cocoa (thanks to our handy jet boil system it was quick and easy too :) We called it a night and went to the tent (which I forgot to take a picture of )

Once we got in the tent it started to sprinkle, but it wasn't bad.....then the hours past and all night long it POURED. We woke up and Tom's pillow was soaked! Apparently in our dark camp set up we got the rain fly on the tent a little crooked and there was a small gap between the tent and the fly right by our heads. Normally, it wouldn't be a big deal but it had been pouring for over 8 hours. We were grateful that we brought our grill because we certainly weren't going to get a fire going! I was sad, but Tom was optimistic :)
So, we left our site in search of a refuge from the rain to make breakfast.

We ended up in a Gazebo to enjoy our breakfast of blueberry pancakes, eggs with veggies and potatoes. It was delicious!

To top it off, we were going to have hot cocoa with milk instead of water, but in our efforts to keep track of the pancakes the Jet-boil boiled over! It was awful. So, we had a mess, and burnt milk coating the bottom of the Jet-boil...

But, it was still pouring, so we let the rain do the dishes (it was raining hard enough to rinse everything amazingly well!) and decided to pack up camp instead of staying another night because the thought of returning to wet sleeping bags at 10 pm. after the wedding was not a pleasant one.

So, we headed into downtown Portland to kill some timebefore the wedding at 5:30. Time got away from us and we ended up changing into our wedding clothes in an IKEA family bathroom :) We got some funny looks going into the bathroom - but we looked sharp after we got out!

It was a wonderful, quaint and quiet wedding.

We had a great time and made it home before midnight. All in all, a success but there was a lot of wet, muddy camping gear to deal with when we got back :(. oh well, better luck next time!

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Skip Millis!
