Summer is officially over, but fall is fun too :)

Like the title says, we know that Summer is over in Tacoma. Even if it's sunny you can smell fall in the air. While I shed a few tears at the change of season, I started realizing all the fun things that Fall brings. Things like a HARVEST!

Today was the annual cider squeeze at the apple orchard where our adopted tree lives :)

We forgot the camera to show you the squeeze festivities but there were hundreds of people there, going nuts picking all the apples. We knew that ours weren't going to be all that ripe this early so we didn't mark off our tree to prevent people from picking our apples. So, when we got there there were already people climbing our tree and picking away.

So, since we didn't bring anything with us to mark off the tree (and we had a Seahawks game to get home to watch) we picked a bunch for applesauce, apple cobbler, apple pie...

We ate a bunch too and although a little tart they were delicious and we aren't complaining! (the pickle looking item on top is the cucumber I harvested from the garden today--yum!)

We came back home to watch the Seahawks pull in a W against the niners with fresh homemade chili and zucchini bread :) It was a great day!

In other harvesting news, we noticed our corn was getting close to ripe, but it wasn't done yet. But the last few days we have gone out to the garden only to find our corn stalks lying on their sides. Either squirrels or racoons are munching on our corn! little rascals.

So, we picked one ear to show that we can in fact be successful at growing corn, but I think since they aren't ready yet they will end up going the way of the squirrels.

Lastly I thought I'd share a few picks of Tom's obsession for fall - Fantasy Football. His draft was labor day and there has been little talk of anything else since then.

His league got t-shirts made and they are all so excited - Geoff and Tom in particular :)
