Happy Birthday Tom!

Turning 26 on the 26th was pretty sweet for Tom this year. The family joined together to get Tom tickets for the Seahawks game vs. the San Diego Chargers (Tom's second favorite NFL team).
Early on the morning of the game he opened his gifts with unmatched excitement :)

Then, we swiftly packed up our tailgating essentials and made it to "tail gate row" just in time to get the last open space. So, then it was time for salmon steaks, grilled potatoes, peach ice tea and fresh apple pie! yum!
Above is Tom's super cool juice bottle :)

At the tailgates there were a lot of fun pre-game ideas with the most popular being corn hole, a game familiar to Tom and I because of the Gibson Mansion backyard game :)

The average, realistic fan figured that the Hawks didn't really have a chance, but they put up a fight (and got lucky at times) and surprised us all!

We got seats in the "hawk's nest" and Tom nearly lost his voice. The weather was pleasant and the atmosphere was unbeatable. The 12th man was strong, that's for sure!
