Good times in September

Well, the weather has gone from bad to good, back and forth, but Tom and I have had the chance to sneak away on the good days to have some fun.

We got to spend one glorious day at the Puyallup fair taking in the sights and sounds! My personal highlight of the day (besides seeing all the doo doo :)....

...was watching "Mutton Bustin". Now, I had never heard of it before, but Tom had. But basically it's for children 6 years and under, 60 pounds and under. The kids volunteer (although sometimes strongly persuaded by parents) to hang on to the back of a sheep, much like a cowboy on a bull, and try to ride for 6 seconds.

It was really entertaining but there were some kids that were just shy of 3 years of age! Thankfully the staff for the event are very cautious and they pull the kids off the sheep if they see that they are not using the "grabbing reflex" and aren't holding on....but to think that they'd even allow the idea of a kid that may or may not posses the skill of "grabbing" to even get near a sheep! but there's money in it, a $5,000 savings bond to win at this fair, and a chance to go on to an International contest in Vegas to win a $10,000 bond.

After a little mutton bustin we went back out to the truck for a delicious picnic in the truck bed complete with home-made applesauce from our apple tree :) Of course we had to get a few fair scones for dessert because they are sooo delicious!

Then yesterday after I got off work it was a gorgeous evening so we decided to head to chambers bay golf course for an evening walk.

It was a beautiful setting with perfect temperatures- and they just opened up the foot bridge down to the beach, so we had to check it out!

All in all, Fall isn't turning out to be all that bad after all :)
