Okay, the copy and past function isnt' working and i just wrote it all out in a word document, so I'll send it in and email and you can refer to the blog for accompanying photos!

The view from "Castle Mound"

Our first PB&J!

On our evening walking tour with our ipods!

One of the college grounds--I think we can take a lesson from them in yard maintenance!

This church, called "The Circle Church" (go figure, right) has been here since 1649
A view of the river Cam on the grounds of Darwin College
Punts on the Cam
The biggest green beans I've ever seen! (don't i look confused, mine don't look like this at home!)

The streets are so small!
I guess that's why they have SMARTS!

The Benson House--such sweet words to read at 9:45 p.m. Cambridge time!
Our really comfy reading chair

Our coffee/tea making tray
The small sink and toilet (that doesn't really flush, we miss american toilet power!)
This is us on the coach Tom's face says it all!

Big BEN!

The 26.60 pound ticket we had to buy because we were late!

This last picture is when we made it to the tube!
