Cambridge again

Hey everyone, it's Tom.

We are having a killer time in Cambridge. Today we had our presentation. It went pretty well but the people who presented before us took forever and we had a tough time getting ours down within our window.

After our presentation we decided to go punting on the cam river. it was very interesting, the city and the University are 800 years old and it seems every building has some incredible story.

When we were done being pushed around the Cam, we went back to the room, had a PBJ, and headed back out to explore. We went to King's college and King's college chapel. The college grounds were immaculate and the chapel is what everyone in town goes to see. It is 80 feet tall with stained glass windows, sculptures, and dead deans and pastors in the floor!

After which we visited the Whipple Museum of the History of Science. We had the most incredible time. Issac Newtons Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica was there (originally published in 1687)! It has all the history of the scientists who have worked at or gone to Cambridge.

We then went to Dinner right on the river where we started the day at a quaint little restaurant where we ate linguine with crab and watched the Punters push by.

here are the pictures!

tomorrow -
dinner with Lynda
