Ba ba bum bum... NFL!

Yesterday we got our first glimpse of Football Season! (yes I capitalized Football and Season because I'm so excited about it!!!) Tom and I scored tickets to a pre-season seawhawks game against the Green Bay packers. We got to go along with some friends of ours.

I got off of work at 2 p.m. so we headed up to Seattle far earlier than the average joe and got the perfect spot for our tailgate! We had burgers and snacks and had a great time enjoying the little bit of sunshine that the day had to offer.

We got seats in the "way-ups" of the stadium but we weren't complaining. I don't think there's a bad seat in the house as you can see from our view!

We got to see the Blue Thunder in action (which is always a personal favorite of mine)

And we even found "graffiti" paying tribute to our beloved UPS!

The weather turned a little bit chilly in the evening with a few drops of rain here and there, but that didn't dampen our fun (even though the seahawks did end up losing by 3)....

Football season, here we come!
