The not so sunny 4th of July

Well, Tom recently returned from his long road trip to Utah with Triple Play. It wasn't so much the distance traveled that was long, but it was the length of time that he was gone! He rolled into the house at 5 a.m. on July 4th as I was rolling out of bed to go to work at the hospital. I worked from 6-2 which was perfect, Tom got to get some much needed rest and I was off in plenty of time to enjoy the day and the festivities.

We went to Griff's house for a little pickle ball and yummy food from Judy-Anne (Griff's mom) and all the other yummy side dishes that everyone brought. Tom and Geoff dominated the pickle ball court for the second year in a row, without much practice, so it was kind of impressive.

We took a jaunt down to the waterfront to check out the ever-so-popular Freedom Fair. Usually about 200,000 people head down for food, music and fun in the sun. It wasn't really sunny but we still had fun! We checked out the back of the radio station's van that was full of pillows and it was so loud we couldn't hear anything.

Geoff had a fun time grooving in the back:

Tom and Goeff spent a lot of time trying on hats (most of which were too small or too big) and asking passers-by their opinions. What do you think?

At the end of the night I tried my hand (for the first time ever) on the pickle ball court, and let's just say I'm not as good and Tom and Geoff :)

Tom and I also recently went to check on our Apple tree- Boey. While we had a picnic under the branches, we watched as the deer picked off pretty much all the lower branches off of the nearby trees, but we kept our tree safe.

They weren't afraid of us at all! Of course I have been this close to deer before but it was a first for Tom so he took a lot of pictures :)

While we were watching them graze, I mentioned that I had never seen a deer pee before, and I wondered how they did it...well, we found out. Just like a dog basically. I know, that's probably TMI for you but I thought it was really funny!
