A long time coming :)

Hello everyone! It's been over a month since my last blog post and there has been quite a few events since then!

Let's see, where do we start? Well, you all probably know that Tom is back coaching for Triple Play Baseball Club. He is the pitching coach for the 18 year old team, so it's the same guys that he coached two years ago when he was the 16 year old coach.
So he get's to reminisce with them and see how they've "grown up" since he last coached them. He is headed out to Utah as we speak for their first long road trip. I will miss him, but he will have a blast "with the guys" :).

I have officially started bedside training for my new scribe job. So far-- I love it! Based on the first day I had yesterday, I really think I can excel at this job. It will take time for me to completely get the flow of things, but my trainers have said that I'm one of the most well prepared trainees, and that I really am doing well for how little time I've had to work on it, so I'm going to take that positive feedback and run with it!
I had to buy scrubs at the last minute because the company I work for got their scrub order mixed up, and the only ones they had left at the store were XL! You can imagine that I'm swimming it them! I will hopefully get to exchange them at some point for some smaller ones. So, I did feel a little foolish on my first day with scrubs about 3 sizes too big, but then again, they're scrubs so no one seems to care.

Tom is working hard on his MBA through Keller Graduate School at DeVry University. He's taking the summer off since Triple Play will be taking up so much of his time, but he's been excelling and let's just say we are both nerds because I'm jealous that he's in school and I'm not! This summer he's been preparing a lot for his presentation at Oxford in August.

He will go to present like he did last year in Costa Rica, but on a slightly more detailed level than what he did last year. He is working with his professor to get his paper just perfect, and getting ready to win another award for "best presentation" or "outsanding research award" like he did in Costa Rica.

I officially took the MCAT on June 17th. I woke up on the morning of with a pounding congestion headache and a sore throat. Luckily my test was not until 2 p.m. so I had some time to start to feel better before the test. I think it went well, but only time will tell.
I get my scores back on July 17th. Now I'm preparing my application, and choosing which 13 schools to apply to (I got approved for financial aid again so that I can apply to up to 13 schools for free!). So, I can finally put away all those books while I work on writing essays instead :)

Other than that, Tom and I are successfully gardening away. We harvested our first round of snap peas this weekend and we're excited for more! Our pumpkins, green beans and squash are doing great and sunflowers are basically up to my hip now! So, they're well on their way to being the 10 foot giants that they seed packaged said they would be :) Today I have the day off so I'll be planting our watermelon starts (Tom is CONVINCED that he will get a watermelon with the mild washington summer weather...but I'm certainly not so sure)

I'm off to Watson's nursery today to spend my birthday gift card from Tom. I'm hoping to come home with some raspberry starts and maybe a few flowers because I can't possibly go through a summer without some wild flowers in my yard!

Speaking of my birthday, we had a lovely time with Tom's parents and Aunt Ann and the cousins on Father's Day. We dont' have much room in the house for a big family dinner, so we moved our dining table to the vacant upstairs for some delicious steak and scrumptious dutch apple pie and cake. It's official--Julia is our dessert maker from now on. If you weren't there to eat that applie pie or vanilla cake with homemade strawberry frosting--you missed out BIG TIME!

I had the chance to sneak away to hoopfest this weekend. It was gorgeous weather, but one of the most strange Hoopfest weekends I've ever experienced. There was a gang fight that broke out in downtown that ended with three people getting non-life threatening gun shot wounds. I was safe and sound but it was crazy to have that happen so close to where I was! I stayed at the cabin with all of Tyler's friends and teammates and it was a crowded place but we had a blast! I was sad to leave the cabin with such gorgeous weather, but that's being an adult right? Leaving the summer fun behind for a day at work?

I guess that's it for now. I will keep you posted about the MCAT score and Tom's preparations for Oxford. We love you all and miss you!
