Mariners and some lost puppies

It feels like Tom has been living at Safeco field lately. Geoff (one of Tom's groomsmen) gets to go all the time because his dad works there, so they get free seats often. It's like Tom's dream come true :)

One time, John got free tickets from an old friend, and it was actually my turn to tag along on the trip! Dave got to come too :) We had AMAZING seats, and it was actually really warm that day, so that was fun.

Now, because the girl was along for the trip, we had to do all the dorky stuff like walking around the stadium and looking at all the vendors and the people and the cheesy tourist things (I mean, because who would honestly want to sit and watch batting practice? Isn't the game enough?...don't tell him I said that :).

So we had a great night out. Thanks John and thank you to your friend for a great view of a game that the M's actually won!

On a separate note. While Tom and I were out for our Sunday stroll, we came across two adorable dogs. One didn't have a collar and the other just had one from the vet for the rabies shot. Being Sunday, the vet is closed and the humane society is closed too. We tried knocking on a few doors in the neighborhood but most people weren't home or didn't recognize them at all. We are going to take them to the humane society tomorrow if we cant track down the owner. Aren't they cute?

At least I can have a few puppies for a night. We aren't going to keep them, but I hope we find their owners so I dont' have to take them to the humane society--it would be so sad!

If any of you Washington readers (aka Glassman family) know of someone on the north end that lost their two dogs let us know!
