Good news in April

Well, I've got a couple great things to report (some of which I've already told some of you, and some of which I haven' feel free to skim to the part you haven't heard about :)

I was elected by my coworkers as employee of the month at the bead factory for the month of March. It was a great feeling to know that long hours, and hard work (I know it's hard to believe that beads are hard work, but....believe me) have paid off in some way.

I am going to be awarded a paid day off and a $50 gift card to the store (my boss really knows how to support my beading habit!). I'm so excited about the idea of a paid day off. I'm not sure if I get to pick which day or if one of my existing days is paid, but either way, I'm not complaining!

Speaking of jobs--I have an interview on Tuesday for the Emergency Medical Scribe System in Tacoma. I mentioned this job in the blog back in February, and they are finally getting back to me about interviews. It's a California based company that has recently expanded to Tacoma (of all places!). If the interview goes well, I would start training in 2 weeks and be on the job in about 3. I would have to take some medical terminology courses (paid training thank goodness), and I'm so excited about the potential for this job! My phone interview with them last week went really well, and they said that my application was the best they received and that I was the most qualified applicant they had ever seen! I'm really hoping for this one! The interview is at Tacoma General--so one of the other hospitals in town (not the one I've been volunteering at for over a year), so I'll have to learn a new hospital layout if I get the job :)

Speaking of hospitals--I was accepted as a Washington Academy of Family Physicians (WAFP) "mentee". I have been paired up with Dr. Allison Odenthal who works at a clinic near Target in Tacoma (so about 3-5 miles from our house).

I will be her "student" for the next 6 weeks. I can ask her questions to my heart's content, meet with her over coffee, lunch or whenever she's free to discuss my future health career, her past and her career, and can also shadow her on the job when she allows. I have been in contact with her and she seems wonderful! She's really excited to mentor me and has told me that she'll let me shadow her for as much as I can stand, and I'm prepared to take advantage of that! I'm hoping she can provide some insights into her career and also some tips on applying to med school. I will most likely be setting up my first shadow day with her sometime next week.

Speaking of shadows--We haven't had a lot of them in Tacoma lately--it's been rain, wind, cold and yuck for what feels like a month now. But, we saw our shadows today because the sun was out! It was mid 50s (maybe even low 60s) today and Tom and I made some progress on the yard. Tom mowed, I weeded the flower beds and spent some time giving a little TLC to our garden. We have a whole row of snap peas making their way into the world, along with spinach and garlic! Still no sign of life from the cucumbers, zucchini, green beans or peppers, but we're hoping that they've just been dormant from the cold and not actually frozen or dead.

However, I have been doing a little indoor gardening and I have some growth there! I have no idea why it makes me so happy to see little sprouts in the containers (I mean a 5 year old can grow a seedling) but I get so giddy from it! I started a mini greenhouse in the bathroom window sill (in waiting-to-be-recycled tv dinner trays I found in the garage), with corn, green peppers, cherry tomatoes and some of those 10 foot tall sunflowers. And, I'm excited to say that the sunflowers burst through the soil today! woohoo!

Okay, I'm almost done rambling. Just to make a sunny day even better, Tom and I had a great breakfast this morning--yummy homemade bluberry muffins, complete with streusel topping (the best part!)

And, heeding my mother's advice, I tried again to make some homemade hashbrowns too. (The Glassman family knows how well that turned out last time---I think we ended up calling them "roadkill" because of their appearance...) But, I shredded them into a bowl of water to remove the excess starch and they were a nice golden brown! success! Thanks mom for the tip, and for making me feel better about my cooking skills :) I'm not a total failure!

I feel like I always end up mentioning food in this blog, but it seems like it is something that always brings me joy to do and also makes me feel at home because I'm used to having a gourmet chef as a father!
