
We've had INCREDIBLE weather lately, and Tom and I have taken every chance we can get to take advantage of it! We got approval from our landlord to take out the grass by our garage and put in a vegetable garden. So, last week we tackled the grass (with some much appreciated help from John, Diana and Katie) to clear it in one afternoon!

Once we had a clean slate the plotting began.

We decided on snap peas, green beans, peppers, garlic, onion, spinach, basil, carrots, zucchini, squash, cucumbers and eventually broccoli. We haven't planted all of it yet, but we're getting close.

It's only been a day, but I check every time I come home from work for lunch or the end of the day to see if they are sprouting (even though I know it's not going to happen...I'm just too excited!)

The tree from the backyard really put it's roots out though. We dug up a lot, but there's one large root that made for a nice little separated corner, which we turned into our herb garden with the spinach, basil, garlic and onions :)

Tom tried to have some fun pulling the roots out, but you can see from the video how that worked out: (he will be mad at me for putting this up)

We also had the chance to go to a "pruning party" for our apple tree in the Curran Apple Orchard in University Place. We "adopted" the tree, thanks to John and Diana for a great Christmas gift! I practiced my "tree pose" to get in the mood for pruning :)

We got instructions from Pamela, a botanist, on how to make our tree most fruitful. It was a gorgeous day and we had a ton of fun.

Our tree used to be cared for by a woman with the last name Boeh, so we have nicknamed our tree Boeh (pronounced Boey :). We can't wait to go back and see the blossoms and thin the fruitlets (see how much lingo I learned from the botanist?)

Boey is a Macintosh, which we were told is the most coveted variety of tree in the whole orchard. Apparently you can be on a waitlist for 15 years before you get one, and we happened to get one from the woman has been taking care of Boey for the last 10 years! So, we're hoping for a lot of apple pie, apple crisp, apple sauce, apple muffins, apple bread, baked get the picture!

On a separate note. I broke down and splurged on some strawberries last week and we had a much simplified version of "Hawaiian Belgium waffles" that my parents are famous for at the B&B. It was just strawberries and bananas, but it was the first strawberries in a LONG time and the waffles were AMAZING!
