Olympics in the Sun

Well, Tom and I have been spending far too many hours in front of the tv lately, but we feel justified being that the Vancouver Olympics are so fun to watch! But, with the nice, beautiful weather we've been having we have been grateful that most of the Olympic coverage is aired at night so we can go out and enjoy the beautiful sunshine that we haven't seen in a while.

The other day Tom and I went to chamber's bay golf course (the site of the 2015 Master's) to work off our dinners in front of the tv :) and to see the views. The pictures don't do it justice--you had to have been there to see the details of the mountain ranges!

Yesterday, I got lucky and was asked to switch out of working on a Sunday (they were trying to avoid getting me into too much over time pay since I've been working till 11:30 p.m. a few nights in a row to get ready for our annual pearl sale---who knew so much work went into beads???). But I gladly accepted the Sunday off and Tom and I found ourselves on our way up to Seattle to visit our friends Allison and Gentry.

While we spent a lot of the day on the couch, enjoying the ski cross, the USA v. Canada hockey game and a little curling :) We decided to get moving and spend some time at Discovery Park, where we discovered the most amazing view! It's certainly better than the one from Chamber's bay, but again you had to be there to see it!

The tide was WAY out, and we wished we still had Peyton with us, so we could bring her down to the beach to play--but I guess she's not OUR dog anymore :(.

Lastly, I submitted an application for a job with a company called Emergency Medical Scribe System. I would act as the scribe for an E.R. physician. I looked into applying earlier this year, and it was only a program in California. But, I got an email the other day from the pre-med advisers at U.P.S. letting me know that they opened it up to Washington...and more importantly, they opened it up to Tacoma (not Seattle, like I was expecting!). So they have positions at Tacoma General and Allenmore Hospitals and I applied immediately on Friday. I got an email this morning from a representative stating that my application looks great and that they are working on days to set up interviews in the coming week!!!! Maybe I'll get a job in health care after all, and I can leave beads to my hobby :)

Here is what I would be doing if I got the job:

The Emergency Medicine Scribe works side by side with an EM doctor as a personal documentation assistant. The scribe accompanies the doctor into the patient room, taking notes to document completely the physician-patient encounter. Additionally, the scribe assists the physician with other tasks that will make the patient encounter more efficient, such as documenting results of labs, x-rays, and consultations. In the process, the scribe gains a working knowledge of medical terminology, treatments, and pathophysiology.
