Our lives with a puppy

I realize it's been a long time since I've posted anything, but maybe that's because I didn't want to post anything without photos....Let's face it, unless I remember to hand the camera to Tom when we're out and about, we don't have any pictures to show for it.

We have a few (not very good) pictures of the recent events in our lives and most of them involve Peyton. We are dog-sitting for mom and dad while they are enjoying the tropical weather (well, not so tropical if you ask them) of the Bahamas.

While they've been gone, we have been spoiling Petyon to death, so she's good and un-trained by the time they get home (just kidding mom and dad). But, on the serious side, they better be ready to take her out for exercise every morning, or she will drive them crazy. We all get really excited to go for walks. :)

If she doesn't get exercise, she will gladly take hours of your time in a friendly game of tug of war, but its more like just "tug" with no war involved. You'll see what I mean:

And of course, if she doesn't get to go for a walk, or swim in the ocean she will gladly chomp on your arm instead (a bad habit but she's so cute about it!)

Oh, before we had peyton around, we were able to sneak away to Yakima for the weekend. We were spoiled by their hospitality, the snow and a their hot tub! Thanks Craven family for a great weekend in Yakima! We only got one picture, and it's off-center and a little blurry, but I thought Al's dad was pretty funny in this one :) Trying to hide the rabbit ears, really? How old are we now? :)

And, in case you haven't heard, I have some pretty big news in my life. I got asked for an interview at the University of Washington School of Medicine on Februrary 2nd! I can't wait, and I can't lie and say that I'm not nervous. Wish me luck (and calm nerves) .... and try not to get Tom too excited about owning a closet full of purple and gold :)
