Hunting for the Perfect Tree

Tom and I set out to find the perfect tree...and well, we found one, with some adventure along the way. You can decide from the final pictures if it's perfect :)

It was a gorgeous sunny day and we were hoping to find some snow to romp around in on the drive up to Crystal mountain, but it was dry as a bone! The sun made for beautiful views, and we felt like we were in a whole new forest because we didn't recognize it without all the snow!

We finally found some snow and set out on our quest for the perfect tree.

We had a few exciting moments along the way...well at least I thought it was exciting...maybe you should just watch to see what I'm talking about:

Eventually, I found a tree I fell in love with. It was really "fat" around the base, and I knew that we'd have to trim it to make it fit, but I couldn't leave the mountain without it.

So I began to cut it down while Tom had a little troubles of his own:

When the tree had been cut, Tom freed his foot from the grips of the icy snow and started to drag the tree down the hill. I told him to try to appreciate the fact that he was dragging it DOWN rather than up like the last time we cut down our tree (if you remember, I made him climb across gulch and cut down the only tree leaning off of a cliff).

I thought to myself as he pulled it down... "is it a bad sign that I can't see Tom behind the tree? hmmm...maybe it's not so perfect, and it won't fit in our living room...Can you find Tom in this picture?

We finally got the tree down after sliding down the mountain on the ice (which was quite fun by the way) and it was the moment of truth when I finally realized just how BIG the tree was!

We rejoiced about our rather LARGE kill this year and we toasted it with hot cocoa and oranges and wheat thins---thanks to mom and dad for the treats!

We made it home and brought in the beast--here it is in all of it's un-trimmed glory (I know, I know, it's HUGE!):

Here is the finished product, even after we trimmed it up--it's almost too big for our living room. We debated about moving one couch into storage just to make it fit, but we re-arranged and I think it works :) Is it perfect? In an over-sized but beautiful way, we think so. Maybe Tom should pick the tree out next year huh?
