Sunshine on our shoulders

Today was the first sunny day in who knows how long, and Tom and I decided to make good use of the sun and go for a walk. We went to Chambers Bay golf course where they have a 3 1/2 mile loop that you can walk that is gorgeous! (particularly on sunny days.) We had never been before and thought it was about time that we explored it since it's right down the road in University Place. It is actually going to be the home of the US Open next year, so there's an interesting factoid for you :)

It was a really dog friendly trail and we even spotted a dog drinking fountain! How cute is that! You just have to hold down the button for them, but it's right at their level.

Tom found a stray golf ball that he thought about keeping but thought someone might be searching for it. Then we also saw a bald eagle!

He was perched on this light pole right by the water.

There was one fenced in area that was an official dog "off-leash" section for people to play fetch. We walked the whole loop and were tempted to do it again! It was a little chilly, but no clouds! We treated ourselves after our walk with a free slice of Great Harvest Bread, yum!

P.S. if anyone is curious, Tom got asked to the second round of interviews for the job at Threshold Investments he interviewed with last week. It's on Friday. Woohoo!
