Our first place

Sorry it has taken me so long to get out the photos of our first apartment as a married couple:) It's a daylight basement (with no carpet unfortunately) but a lot of WONDERFUL amenities.

This is the garage and what the backyard looks like! It's big enough for both of our cars, but we have to get the landlord to clean it out first to make it so we both can fit. What you can't see is the deck with the choo choo train (aka the bbq grill on it)

Our closet (well, it's really Deanna's closet, but we are slowly evolving it to be a joint closet).

There is storage everywhere in this place---look how much junk we have accrued in one month of marriage :)

The toilet, with the fancy lid (come over and try it some time :)

Our bathroom (notice the wedding colors :)

Brand new washer/dryer---yay!

Look at the pretty stainless steel! We feel so rich and fancy!

Our small, but pretty, and totally functional kitchen/laundry room :)

Our dining room table, thanks John and Diana!

Our work spaces :)

It's really cold down here!

Our living room, with our "starship enterprise" HD rabbit ears, the couch Tom had at Biola, and our new couch from Value Village!

This is our cozy bedroom complete with bamboo rug like is in the living room, complements of our landlord!

To the left is Tom sitting at his desk, working hard on job applications, cover letters and editing his resume. It's a full time job trying to find a job!
